Cognitive behavioural therapy is probably the most well known form of therapy helping understand how we feel in the here and now, how we see ourselves, others and the world around us and is used to see and understand why we feel the way we do in a more focused and guided way to achieve your goal.
Carl Rogers developed Person centred therapy empathy, non judgement and unconditional positive regard. How do we bring that to therapy? Sometimes we don't know which way to turn and can feel overwhelmed with life or a particular issue that has become too big to carry alone. Person centred is a talking therapy where you are at the heart of every session.
Art can be a great way to show how we feel and for some it can be easier than saying how we feel. You don't have to be a great artist you just need paper and some coloured pencils to show what is going on for you through colours or images.
Any or all of these including low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence, social anxiety and worry can become all consuming and stop you in your tracks, effecting your everyday life, sometimes convincing yourself and others that "I'm fine" until it isn't, It can be a change in your life that was unexpected or just something has been sitting with you and is now become too big to handle alone. Sometimes these feelings can cause more anxiety and before you know it you can feel stuck in a loop of worry, low mood, sadness and anxiety, all while you try to put a brave face on and hope that it will pass or that you have hidden it from people around you just so they don't say that annoying remark of "cheer up, it might never happen" when all you want to do is hide away but rest assured you are not alone, I'm here when you are ready to take that first step.
This can be a recent or past loss, friend, loved one, colleague or pet, it can also be a loss through dementia or Alzheimer's, when the person you knew is no longer there but you can still see them. Loss of missed opportunity or life event, family or marriage break down or loss of a job, all of these things can have the same impact for individuals and can be devastating leaving a void where someone or something used to be, and other people find it difficult to understand or talk to you about. Navigating those next steps can be a huge challenge and that grief can feel all encompassing and leave you feeling overwhelmed and unable to move forward perhaps even feel stuck or unable to process the loss. You are not alone, when you are ready to take the next step I'm here.
Weather it is a couple who are struggling and are looking to understand and navigate the relationship, maybe finding the initial spark that has been lost, or stuck in a cycle of negative emotions and lack of trust or are looking for a way to end the relationship amicably. Family and relationships can be a difficult and stressful part of life, weather it is an ongoing family dispute, or just a family dynamic that your struggling to navigate. A relationships ending or a difficult relationship, can have a negative impact on our mental health and can cause depression, anxiety, low self esteem and lack of confidence.
There can be moments in our day when something is triggered within us to take us straight back to a moment which can be difficult to see or feel. It can start to affect our relationships with ourselves and others and become all consuming triggering feelings of fear, anger, sadness, shame and guilt.
It can feel like your world has dropped out from beneath your feet when you loose a child at any stage in pregnancy, trying to understand and navigate the emotions of how and why this happened and where to go with feelings of possible anger, grief, fear, shame and guilt to name a few can feel un imaginable, it's important to go at your pace in a space where you can talk and feel comfortable.
Understanding anger, and what makes the red mist descend and affect you and others around you is a key point in helping with any emotions and feelings which may be hidden. Learning how to lengthen that fuse which seems so short can be a key moment for many and learning to control anger rather than it controlling you could be a game changer for many.
There is a huge amount of stress that women go through at certain points in our lives which for many seems isolating and lonely, with few people who can understand or empathise with how it feels. Post partum is something that can affect women of any age after giving birth and can go on for many years with the new mum, or experienced mum, feeling a multitude of different emotions and feelings.
Menopause is something that many women struggle with and has over 100 different symptoms from low mood, heightened emotions, hot and cold sweats, lack of a menstrual cycle or more than the usual, loneliness, low self esteem, brain fog and a dozen other things just to add to the frustration and exhaustion of the menopause. At Everleigh counselling you are not alone, and certainly not in the minority, hopefully by talking in a safe, non judgemental space the load can lesson and have a better understanding of ways to move forward.
The stigma surrounding this sometimes and frustratingly sensitive topic is thankfully being slowly chipped away thanks to more men coming forward about how they found sharing their experiences helpful, and a positive experience. Talking about feelings or emotions can for some men be uncomfortable or embarrassing, with more men coming forward about feeling stressed at work, being more angry or frustrated, experiencing family or partner and money worries, with low mood, anxiety and depression on the rise it has never been more important to make sure that counselling is available for men. At Everleigh we encourage men to take that first step, together we can walk the rest of the way together to hopefully understand where these feelings come from.
I am passionate about counselling and always see such a positive in the benefit people gain from talking and sharing. I love seeing people's load lessening or how they get that little light bulb moment and I always feel everybody who would like to, should have access to support regardless of beliefs, lifestyle or personal choices. I am proud to work within the BACP Ethical Framework to maintain a respectful, non judgemental and empathetic space for anyone who would like to seek counselling. I hear often how counselling is loosing it's diversity and inclusion I will always argue that at Everleigh Counselling the door is always open to anyone committed to the counselling process, and together we can explore the reasons for reaching out.
Depression, fear, trauma, anxiety, stress, low self esteem, low mood, panic attacks, negative thoughts and anger are some of the most common and uncomfortable emotions that we can experience and affect more people than we think. It can feel like you are not yourself, but you are not sure why, even getting up in the morning can have it's own challenges. The smallest thing can feel huge, upsetting, overwhelming irritating, or all of the above, with friends and family unable to understand how you are feeling because it can be just too big to put into words. When your everyday life, work, interactions with friends and loved ones are starting to be affected this is when people take the brave step of seeking counselling, and it is a brave thing to ask for help. This step can sometimes feel overwhelming and frightening and can even add to those already very real emotions that others don't seem to understand, it can feel like there is no light in our darkest places. Everleigh counselling provide person centred therapy, so together we can explore a better understanding of where these thoughts and feelings might come from, and try to work through them to get back to being you.
At Everleigh counselling Face to face appointments offer a neutral place away from the home environment, giving you a calm space to unpack difficult and challenging situations either as a couple or an individual.
If you are unable to or do not feel able to, or even do not want to leave the house, I offer online counselling which is the same support and goal you would receive as if we was face to face.
if you have any concerns or questions contact:
Talking has always been a way to offload, weather that be to a family member, friend, work colleague or neighbour, we will usually feel better. It's when we are at a point when talking to others isn't helping, perhaps not wanting to be a burden or a burden others, or maybe we feel embarrassed or guilty about our feelings. Talking to someone who is a stranger, has no judgement or opinion and will support you in a professional capacity giving you tools in your toolbox to not only help you reach your goal, but help you to stay there. Talking to a counsellor can give people a sense of freedom and relief, in a safe, calm, confidential space.
Talking and sharing with a counsellor who is non-judgemental, empathetic, honest and open with no pre-conceived view or opinion of you, can be a way to share what is happening for you in a safe, confidential space.
I offer a safe, calm, space where you can talk openly about the thing or things that have started to or have been for a while, effecting your everyday life. Maybe it is something that you have put to the back of your mind and something has triggered that past trauma to come to the surface. It could be a recent event that has become too big and is starting to affect your home life, work and others around you as well as yourself, causing low mood or anxiety or even anger and guilt to become an overwhelming force. Taking that first step to seeking counselling and noticing that unwelcome thoughts, feelings and situations are having a negative impact on you is huge. I know how it feels to not feel heard or listened too, and that those words we all use when asked how are you "I'm fine" are feeling more and more less convincing, then now is the time to hold your hand up and say "actually, I'm not fine" I'm here when your ready.
Don't be is the best answer I can give anyone. Mental health is losing it's stigma and is finally being recognized as a way of people to talk, and share their fears, worries, trauma, grief and everyday life concerns and hopefully end their journey in a positive, manageable place.
It is your own personal choice, it is whatever you feel more comfortable with. At Everleigh the quality of counselling is exactly the same, face to face or online the confidentiality, ethical framework and client duty of care is unchanged. I encourage you to feel as relaxed and safe as possible so bringing an item of comfort with you from home if you prefer face to face is absolutely fine.
personal details: All personal information collected, phone number, email, name are kept in a locked, password protected, cabinet. On conclusion of our final counselling session all digital copies are deleted, however I am instructed to keep paper copies for a minimum of 5 years which is the requirement of my insurance. Once this time is expired all copies are destroyed. This will only be shared if I am court ordered to do so.
GDPR & ICO: in accordance with my BACP membership I am required to have regular supervision, during this time you as a client are not identifiable, no personal information, email or contact details are shared.